Dakimakuras should be fast too, as it seems we've found a reliable supplier and only the Polly design needs to be re-done so it matches the requirements on resolution and size. We only need to design some last ones and start producing them. Polaroids should be the fastest thing to be sorted out. When I will receive my stuff? It highly depends.It is important to point out that this exclusive content might be available through exceptional means, such as contests on as gifts in specific conventions. At least 1 that will be later for sale and at least 1 that will be forever exclusive for backers. This means that you will receive more than 1 DLC in each case. The outfit and alternative PCs' DLCs are semi-exclusive. The "exclusive polaroid" won't be for sale. Will the add-ons be available later for sale? Some are exclusive or semi-exclusive.It might not be needed in the end, but we cannot risk it. This can impact our taxes in a significative way.

We might be required to tell our country's tax entity how much money comes from within the EU and how much it comes from outside it (not sure if knowing number of Spanish backers vs backers from outside our country is relevant).

We don't want to make it super short so you have time to save money (if needed) + we are focusing on PAX West anyway (till early September). It can go from 1 to 3 months, with 2 being the most plausible for us. How long the Backerkit will last? We don't know exactly.Please try to fill the survey during August! Let us answer some classic questions about it: